Photo credit: John Englart (Takver) available under creative commons
Ready to join the climate emergency mobilization? If you are looking for ways to engage, here are a number of organizations active in Canada I recommend you check out. Many are eager for new activists, volunteers and, of course, financial supporters. Some of these groups are great sources of additional information, while others are more oriented towards grassroots mobilization. Find what works for you.
The Climate Emergency Unit
A 5-year project of the David Suzuki Institute, initiated by Seth Klein and where Seth now serves as Team Lead. Canada
There are also chapters across the country and on some campuses, with more information on Facebook. For younger activists, check out’s Our Time initiative.
Working to take on fossil fuel production in Canada.
For those of you in British Columbia, this group has been tackling fossil fuel production and export through BC.
Campaigns on climate and the Green New Deal.
Extinction Rebellion Canada
Extinction Rebellion Canada has chapters across Canada.
Climate Action Network Canada - Réseau action climat Canada
Can-Rac is a national network of organizations working on climate issues, a coalition with over 100 members. For a full list of Can-Rac members, see here.
Indigenous Climate Action
The David Suzuki Foundation
One of Canada’s leading environmental NGOs, with climate as one of its focus areas.
Unist’ot’en Camp
Has been at the heart of the Wet’suwet’en opposition to the Coastal Gaslink Pipeline.
The Wilderness Committee
Takes on numerous environmental issues, including climate.
Sierra Club of BC
For those in British Columbia, they too take on numerous environmental issues, but are very active on climate.
Raven Trust
A legal defence fund for Indigenous people protecting their constitutional rights and environmental justice.
For those in Quebec.
Climate Justice Edmonton
Climate Justice Toronto
Climate Justice Saskatoon
Looking for great sources of additional information? Check out:
The Corporate Mapping Project
Jointly led by the University of Victoria, the Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives and the Parkland Institute, this research and public engagement project is tracking the power and influence of the fossil fuel sector in Canada.
The Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives
Canada’s foremost progressive public policy think tank, focused on numerous issues, but with a longtime record of producing climate justice research.
The Parkland Institute
The CCPA’s sister think tank in Alberta.
The Climate Mobilization
The U.S.-based organization that uses WWII as a model for climate action.
The Energy Mix
Their website and weekly e-newsletters provide a very helpful aggregation of the latest Canadian and international news on climate and energy.
Photo credit: Markus Spiske on Unsplash